Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Burger King is the Wendy's of the fast food industry"

This video was made for my Introduction to Mass Media class for our "blockbuster" project.

In our groups, we were to create an idea for a movie along with a presentation/pitch. This could be a powerpoint presentation and/or a trailer. Because I'm a nerd and love to edit both powerpoints and videos, we are doing both.

I then realized that my group had nominated me at our last in-class debate as the best speaker in our group, so I will also probably be giving most of the presentation (not to mention the fact that I put the powerpoint together, so it will be easier for me to explain). So I feel like I'm doing at least 80% of the project, haha. It's cool, I just find it funny. I didn't create the idea for the movie, and I probably wouldn't have come up with something like this, so it's all good.

Speaking of which, our movie idea includes a post-apocalyptic world where God and Satan, along with their armies, are fighting. As you will see in the trailer, John Goodman is God, Jim Carey is Satan, Corey Feldman is Jesus, and Britney Spears is the President of America. As you might have realized, this movie is of the comical/satirical nature; however, the trailer and presentation make the movie appear to be serious. I think it's hilarious. Anyways, enjoy!

Oh, and music is "Kyrie II" from one of the Death Note Soundtracks.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another Japan-related thing

This was our first assessment for my Japanese 102 class, we're basically talking about the Student Union Center on campus. I'm going to edit out a blooper reel at some point, but I think I want to work on the Ikasucon promo video first.

I'm hoping the Ikasucon people will give me music I can use, or I'm just going to end up using something from the Trigun sountrack (awesome).

my hair looks so brown...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Seas are stirring, and Updates are arising

The ohayocon video will be added at some point today, and in the next couple of days (if not today) I will be re-uploading a few videos that seem to have disappeared from Veoh because they have changed their acceptable video formats, and since I use iMovie on my Mac (that's right, Mac software) they all export automatically in .m4v, so now I have to export in Quicktime (so .mov) which is taking three times as long.

I'm also going to be re-vamping the Kamen Ramen site due to flash not agreeing with people. I will miss it. This will also allow me to embed the videos directly on the website easier, and allow me to update easier from my house instead of having to go use a school computer to use Flash (I'll buy it and Lightroom...eventually...)

Ohayocon was pretty good this year. The group was separated most of the time since I was typically in my Soul Eater cosplay and Caleb was in his Code Geass one, and we each had our own things to do (photoshoots) in regards to that. It was really crowded, too. There was a Tax-related convention on Friday, and on Saturday a cheer leading and a religious convention showed up.

I've been inspired to run a Soul Eater panel at Ikasucon! I'm hoping to be a part of the marketing staff or something, also. Dusty, who is the marketing director (and totally awesome, you see him a lot in the Ikasucon 2008 video) said he'd get back to me on if the Ikasucon-ites may want a promo video that I can make, I'm excited!

The video current says it will be about 4 hours before veoh will upload it, so maybe it will get up at some point today.

EDIT: It is now Friday at midnight-thirty. I left the video uploading when I went to school around three, and it is now uploaded! HAHA! VICTORY!

Watch Ohayocon 2009  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sugoicon Video and Semester Courses

I haven't updated in awhile, and I've neglected adding the Sugoicon video. So here it is!

Watch Sugoicon 2008 in Anime, Video Blogs, and Travel Videos | View More Free Videos Online at

Obviously, the con portion of the video is rather short, so enjoy the extra footage of our anime club!

In other news, Ohayocon is next weekend so I should be updating with another video pretty soon. There is a random video I made for my Japanese class, I'll add that at the end of this post.

For the record, I did not vote for Obama, so don't ask me how excited I am that he is finally president. I'm not. I was doing my best to actually not have to watch his inauguration, but one of the art professors was watching CNN live in the classroom my photo-documentary class is in. My professor allowed the other professor to watch Obama's speech, going a half hour into class time. The "not-my-professor" actually had us stand up when he was being sworn in. I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough or sigh loud enough.

I'm also not going to debate with you why I don't believe Obama should be president. It doesn't matter and you're not going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours. I don't like arguing just for the sake of arguing, so drop it.

I will only be cosplaying Neliel and Marie again to Ohayocon. Caleb is cosplaying Code Geass.... and that's it. All of our big plans, haha ^_^

Ok, so rundown of my classes and my opinions of them so far:

Race & Gender: I'm not looking forward to the class itself (we've only met once so far since it's a Monday class and we had last Monday off. Same goes for the Mass Media class) because I have as much of an understanding on the sociological positions of race and gender in society that I need. However, my professor said that she likes Battlestar Galactica, so at least she's cool.

Mass Media: I'm excited about this one because I really enjoy observing society from an objective point of view and figuring out why people do things they do. This is why I enjoyed my Popular Culture class. We are also making some sort of website, totally awesome, I love hearing that.

Photo-documentary: Also extremely excited about this class. So far it has only allowed me to confirm my passion for photography and realize my potential. We haven't even really done much yet. Our big semester project is to volunteer at a non-profit organization, so I've chosen Crayons 2 Computers, which is a free store for full-time teachers to "shop" at (for free, of course). Teachers spend hundreds to thousands of dollars every year on school supplies for their students - out of their own money - and I think what this organization is doing is great. I have a huge respect for teachers and professors (maybe not so much the actual school system, however).

Newswriting: Once again, extremely excited. I was on the newspaper in my high school, and as a matter of fact my homeroom teacher was the advisor for the newspaper and tought the journalism classes. I had wanted to be a journalist until the point I actually got on that newspaper. I didn't enjoy what I was doing as much as I thought I would. However, the way this newswriting class has been presented has me pumped to just go out and write something (thus this extra-long post for example). This has been the first non-art class that I've thought "I don't want to JUST pass this class, I want to excel. I want this professor to expect high quality work from me". I love writing, I really do. The professor actually made a passing comment that I had a writer's signature, but I bet he would never believe that that was probably the best compliment I've ever gotten since someone compared my writing to J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

Japanese: It's 102, so it'll be a repeat of last semester... just more difficult. I'm lucky to have a few of the same people I made friends with in the class last semester be in the class, however. ^_^

If I could make my house smell like Febreze's "Pumpkin harvest & fall" air effects at all times... I'd be an even happier person then I already am!

All right, here is the random Japanese class video. I may or may not post again before the Ohayocon video is finished, so don't hold your breath (not that anyone reads this, but I'd like to think so).

Watch Japanese Lesson 3 - Describing my Day in Video Blogs and How to Videos | View More Free Videos Online at